Monday, October 28, 2013

5 Tips to build a strong downline

If you are in direct sales, an important part of your business is a healthy downline. 
Here are 5 tips to generating a strong downline and keep your direct sales business growing every day.

TIP #1: Know your people
Your downline wants to know who you are and who they are working so hard for. Maintain contact with your downline by forming a group on Facebook or similar. Use this group to send a monthly newsletter will sales tips, Birthday announcements, training opportunities or contests.  

TIP #2: Be approachable
Speak with your sales team often. Your team needs a chance to share their concerns, thoughts and ideas with you as well as the opportunity to ask questions.

TIP #3: Contests mean new contacts 
Offer prizes or free services to generate new leads. Offer special discounts or coupons to the customer who gives you the most referrals that produce a sale. 

TIP #4: Market yourself
Creating articles provides an avenue for free web site traffic. Write a few articles that link to your web site and submit them to various free article directories, rss feed directories, etc.

TIP #5: Don't give up
“Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.” ~ Thomas A. Edison 

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